Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Around the House

There hasn't been a lot of excitement to report on the past few days, but we have made some improvements around the house! We finally found a nice kitchen table (with chairs!) and bought seat covers and a few other decorations to go with it. The kitchen is pretty much complete! We have also been doing some work on the nursery. The crib is all set up and the bedding is clean and ready for baby. On Saturday we bought a few shelves and some other do-it-yourself decorations to spice up the room. We spent the rest of the weekend painting and relaxing.

Yesterday we attended our weekly baby preparation class. It was all about relaxation and breathing. It was my favorite class so far. We watched a video demonstrating the different breathing techniques and then we got to sit on the floor to try it out. They played ocean sounds music and we took deep breaths in and out while the men had to give us back rubs :). I almost fell asleep! I told Kevin we should practice that every day, haha. Next Tuesday will be our last class which is kind of sad. I really look forward to seeing other ladies going through the same things every week. Tuesday will also be a VERY exciting day for us. We get to have our 4th (and probably final) ultrasound which will be completely in 3D. After that we will have a lot more pictures to post and a video.

Well, the tornado siren just started going off and Kevin is on base so I think I am going to go hide in a closet (The weather hasn't been too great the past couple of days). I will post my 28 week belly pic later today.

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