Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Updates on KA (reflux, sleep habits, etc.)

Over the past few weeks Kerriann has REALLY developed a personality.  She is such a cute little person now.  She can follow objects with her eyes and if she hears your voice she can find you across the room.  It's crazy how fast she has developed these skills.  She is also constantly smiling which feels so rewarding.  Finally seeing her show emotions makes all of the sleepless nights feel so worth it!  Even when her diaper is leaking all over the place and we're out in public without a change of clothes...you can't help but love her when she looks up at you with her big smile! 

Kerriann is now OBSESSED with the TV...especially when we have football on!  Some nights we are forced to turn the tv off so that we can get her to fall asleep.  She seems to mesmorized by the flashing lights and bright colors.  For now we're trying not to worry about this obsession, but once she is old enough to start playing with toys I am going to make sure the tv is turned off most of the time. 

We have also been encouraging Kerriann to spend more time on her tummy since her 2 month check up and we are already seeing a lot of progress!  A few days ago when she was on her tummy she tried so hard to roll over...she was so frustrated that she wasn't strong enough to do it.  We took a video so as soon as we can find the cord to the video camera we'll upload it so everyone can see. 

The past few days we were noticing more crying fits and back arching...she was also getting upset before/during burping so we suspected that she may be outgrowing her dosage of Axid (she is on it for reflux).  I called the doctor yesterday because we needed a refill anyways and they upped her dosage from .5 mL to .8mL and we have already seen a difference.  She also napped really well yesterday and had the best nights sleep she's had in about a week.  I just realized that I have never really mentioned the problems we have faced with her regarding acid reflux.  During the first few weeks of life she was VERY fussy constantly...always crying, arching her back, and just generally unhappy.  We hardly ever had a happy baby.  After researching online I suspected that she might have "reflux"...what they used to diagnose many times as "colic."  It is really just the same acid reflux that adults suffer from.  It typically clears up by 6 months in infants (around the time that they start spending the majority of their time sitting upright) with the worst period being between 4 and 6 months.  A lot of my relatives suffer from reflux and have had surgeries and taken medications to deal with it so I wasn't surprised when she was diagnosed.  Almost immediatley after starting on Axid we saw a difference.  I credit our happy, smiley baby to this wonderful drug!  Thank goodness doctors are finally starting to see that babies scream and cry because something is wrong with them, not just because they are babies.  There is a difference between whining and what we were experiencing. 

As far as Kerriann's sleep habits...she has been very inconsistant.  While Kevin was away at SERE school (between weeks 3 and 6) she had developed a pretty good pattern of going to bed between 11 and 12 and giving me a 4-5 hour stretch followed by 2 hour stretches after that.  Once we made the drive back to AL (which was pretty stressful on us both) she was completely thrown off.  After about a week she went back to the same sort of schedule.  Then out of NOWHERE for about a week (around week 8) she slept 10 hour stretches at night!  It was a miracle!  Kevin and I were finally able to catch up on sleep.  But now...sadly...we are back to a pretty rough schedule.  I would kill for another 10 hour sleep stretch!  The past few days she has been up every 2-3 hours...sometimes more often.  I'm hoping it's just a phase and maybe due to us moving her into her crib about a week ago (she had been sleeping in a pack 'n play in our room).  We felt that since she was sleeping so well it would be safe to move her.  I know it wasn't normal or typical to get 10 hour stretches out of a breastfed baby but I can't help but wish that we could go back to that...maybe tonight it will happen...?

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