Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Month 9

I cannot believe that today is the 1st of July! The past few months have gone by so fast. It is crazy to think that we have been in Alabama for over 3 months now. I am also less than 4 weeks from my due date. I passed the 36 week mark on Sunday. Monday I had an appointment with my doctor but there was no progression to report. I don't go back for another 2 weeks so hopefully by then we will have an exciting update. The past couple of days I have been trying to relax and get the house put back together after the trip and having company. I'm hoping to have everything set up and in place for the baby by the end of the week. My doctor has told us that if labor would start we wouldn't stop it at this point so I want to be ready just in case the little one decides to come early. We still need to set up the pack 'n play, install the car seat base, and finish packing our hospital bags. Of course there are a lot of other little things that need done but once we finish those I will feel a lot more relaxed.

I am starting to become a lot more uncomfortable. By the end of the day my back is normally killing me and if I've been on my feet during the day my ankles get pretty sore too. The baby is also becoming so strong that sometimes when she kicks and moves around it's almost painful for me. I can't be mad though because it just lets us know that all is well in there. Kevin and I are getting more and more excited each day. We are ready to enjoy our daughter and for my aches and pains to be over.

Kevin is working all afternoon so I will try to get a new week 36 picture to add to this when he gets back.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so totally strange but I thought I was the only Adriane Coblentz! I was looking for myself on Twitter (strange, I know) and it came up with you! Are you Coblentz my birth or marriage? I think this is pretty exciting - I mean, we're probably related somehow since it's such a rare last name. Anywho... I've got a blog too and a Twitter (adrianec) if you're interested in checking me out (and to make sure I'm not a total psycho. I am a Coblentz by birth, but my married name is Herring. I hope you don't mind I left such a long message on your blog... Ok, I'll stop now.
